Training and Your Pelvic Floor

Last year we hosted a Pelvic Floor Health Café with Helen Hodder, a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic floor function. Our coach Guy has written up his notes from the workshop, with an introduction to the pelvic floor, how to develop control of these muscles, and how to apply this knowledge in your strength training.

Our Story So Far

Our coach Guy was invited to speak at the Bristol Radical Herbal Gathering on the theme of collective approaches to wellbeing, alongside other excellent Bristol projects. It was a good chance to lay out the reasons for setting up the gym and why we feel there is a need for a co-operative model within the fitness industry.

On Being A Co-op Member

Anyone who trains with us is welcome to become a member of our co-operative and help us make our dream gym. If you’re not sure if membership is for you, Rachel Hahn has written an article describing her experience of joining.

Understanding Protein

Some of the most-asked questions we get at the gym are around protein – how much do we need? Where should we get it from? This great article by Alex Holding explores all this and more:

If You Can’t Sit Less, Sit Differently

Our coach Guy presents the anthropologist Gordon W. Hewes’s pioneering work from the 1950s that explored resting postures across the world, and relates it back to our working lives and an exciting workshop we’re hosting in a couple of weeks:

Understanding Programming: Volume, Intensity & Stress

In this wonderful article, Alex Holding introduces the foundational principles behind any effective training programme. This is highly, highly recommended reading for making sense of your programme sheet and informing your training in general.

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