We are so excited to present this rare opportunity to learn to use one of the most ancient fitness tools – Indian clubs.
The workshop will be held at our new home in St. Anne’s House from 10:00-12:00 on Saturday 9th October.

About Indian clubs
Clubs are among the most ancient of fitness tools. Modern day clubs training for strength and fitness originated from the pahlavani wrestlers of ancient Persia. This later spread throughout the middle east and India. Impressed by the heavy clubs swinging feats of strength in India, British soldiers adapted the practice and scaled down the size of the clubs we now know as Indian clubs. These lighter clubs allow for a greater range of movements – developing skills in dexterity, speed and coordination – as well as strength.
Indian clubs are practiced today using a range circular movements to build functional strength and flexibility in the upper body – from the shoulder and arm to wrist and grip. Through swinging a relatively light weight repetitively, tendons, ligaments and joints are conditioned, while mental agility and coordination are also challenged. For some, Indian clubs become a moving meditation as well as a physical practice.
What to expect
You will gain an understanding of key hand grips and postures while learning a number of linear and circular foundational exercises.
This workshop is aimed at beginners and there will be options to simplify or develop movements throughout the class, dependant on ability.
What to bring
Plenty of clubs will be available for use on the day, with a variety of weights available. Just wear comfy clothing, bring water, and a notepad should you wish to make any notes.
There will be an opportunity to have a look at & try out a selection of our Indian clubs after the event. Starter and standard Indian clubs will be available to purchase at reduced rates on the day, but this is not at all expected & very welcome to just come for the workshop and try out the practice.
About your coach
Fitness and movement has been a big part of Pete’s life since his school days. From playing Rugby to becoming a qigong teacher and gaining a black belt in Sulkido, he has experimented with many sports and physical practices. In 2005 he attended a Kettlebell & Indian Club workshop run by Stan Pike (aka the godfather of the UK kettlebell scene). After attending the workshop, he struggled to find the right pair of Indian Clubs and so he made his own. He was teaching weekly kettlebell classes at the time and decided to make a few more pairs for everyone in the class. Since then, he has built a successful business developing high quality wooden fitness equipment which is shipped to most corners of the globe.
Find more about BMF at bodymind-fit.com and feel free to drop him an email if you have any questions about the workshop.